10 years on the journey of Virtual Tours & 360 Photography

As 360 photography experts since 2014, we've built thousands of virtual tours ourselves. This hands-on experience gives us a unique understanding of your needs and challenges. That's why Panoee is committed to be the platform that truly supports the growth of the 360 community.

Our robust platform is designed by 360 experts, for 360 experts. It reflects our deep understanding of the Virtual Tour industry and streamlines your workflow so You - the Photographers, the Architecture, the Real Estate agent, the College operators... can deliver exceptional Virtual Tours.

We’re building a startup with a few core principles.

1️⃣ We thrive on feedback.
2️⃣ We embrace rapid iteration.
3️⃣ We champion freemium access.
4️⃣ We trust the community’s voice.
5️⃣ We fuel action with passion.

Cut 1/2 cost & earn X2 value for 1Mil Virtual Tour builders
  • June 2021
    Found in Vietnam, with a team of 5 Found in Vietnam, with a team of 5.
  • June 2021
    Found in Vietnam, with a team of 5 Found in Vietnam, with a team of 5 Found in Vietnam, with a team of 5.
  • June 2021
    Found in Vietnam, with a team of 5.
  • June 2021
    Found in Vietnam, with a team of 5.
  • June 2021
    Found in Vietnam, with a team of 5.

Our Core Driver

Seamlessly execute your marketing campaign, scout responses, identify loopholes and bottlenecks, and deliver desired results
with the best marketing project management platform at your disposal.
Lachy Groom
Early employee at Stripe. Investor in Figma, Front, Superhuman.
Lachy Groom
Early employee at Stripe. Investor in Figma, Front, Superhuman.
Lachy Groom
Early employee at Stripe. Investor in Figma, Front, Superhuman.
Lachy Groom
Early employee at Stripe. Investor in Figma, Front, Superhuman Early employee at Stripe. Investor in Figma, Front, Superhuman.
Lachy Groom
Early employee at Stripe. Investor in Figma, Front, Superhuman Early employee at Stripe. Investor in Figma,

Our Number so far


Our RoadMap

Here’s a Roadmap of what you’ll get in future updates and what we’ve already done
Already Done
Upcoming Features
Tour Editor supports multi-language
Enjoy Panoee's virtual tours editing in your own language!
Tour Duplicator
Effortlessly create copies of their virtual tours, allowing
Dollhouse Builder
A captivating 3D overview of virtual tour spaces, allowing y
New Theme "Folio"
A sleek and modern theme that will make your virtual tour lo
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New Theme "Default 2.0"
Brand new FREE theme for all users grabbing attention and ma
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New Pay-as-you-go plan
Pay only for what you need for your account with a low pric
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Compact Hotspot: One Hotspot with Many Hotspots in It
Group different kinds of hotspots into one icon, and save sp
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Projection mode
Tailor how viewers experience your virtual tours
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Multi-language Interface
Create and edit your virtual tours in your own native langua
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Custom Domain feature Improvement
Showcase your virtual tours under your own domain name easie
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New Article hotspot layout
Give you the freedom to present your content of your Article
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Scene supports Flat Image
Imagine using any regular image as your canvas – a map, a
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Launching free Hosting tool
Compatibility is a breeze with the Panoee S3 hosting service
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Publish Google Street View
Publishing virtual tours created with Panoee onto Google Str
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Hotspot Support in VR Mode
Experience virtual reality (VR) content on a device such as
Wizard creating new Project
Make your tour production faster than ever
Pop-up intro equipped with sound
Background music volume adjustment ability
More options for Hotspot Shape
Portfolio with Theme
Choose Icons on Toolbar / Customize Control Bar
Enable / Disable "Drag Mode"
Export Project
Add option for sorting assets
Setting for default "Control Mode"
Release Yearly Plan
Rename items in Media library
🍀 Launching Affiliate Model
🥇 Launching "Promotion" Area
Collaboration Mode
✨New Theme: WALL✨
Customize Favicon on Marketing Tab
Integrate WhatsApp & Viber
Call-to-Action Buttons
Add live chat support "Facebook Messenge"
Option to always ask Password whenever the Tour is loaded
Option to generate the SEO featured image manually.
Inherit pre-configured Theme
Collection for Hotspot Icons
Integrate Live Chat
"Thumbnail" Style for Point Hotspot
"Lottie" Style for Hotspot
Add Brand Logo
Password Access
Media Management
Improve Workflow to set Target View
Improve handling big-sized Panorama
Follow Mode
Lens Flare
Nadir Logo
Toggle Gyro Mode
Chrome Key Mask
Add options for preview thumbnail Hotspot
HTML Media Hotspot
Display Interactive Map with Markers (Google Map)
Analytic Event
Add type "Text" for Media Hotspot
Lead Capture
Search filters for Projects
This list is supplemented! Have a suggestion?
Submit an Idea 💡
Matterport Integration
Enhance your Matterport tour by seamlessly importing it into
[Enterprise Plan] Brand Setting
Create your company's own personalized virtual tour platform
Option to keep view when moving between scenes
Removing setting target view for all hotspots manually, and
New Dashboard Display
Enhance the Home/Dashboard with additional filtering and dis
Detail Analytic (Scene view & Hotspot click counter)
Provides in-depth insights into user engagement by tracking
[Enterprise Plan] User Management
Create user accounts within your organization to represent y
[Enterprise Plan] White-label with Custom Domain
Create and manage your own virtual tour platform with unique
[Enterprise Plan] Data Hub (API)
Utilize Panoee virtual tour with dedicated API endpoint for
New Sharing Feature
Improve sharing with personalized suggestions, detailed anal
New Featured Image
Enhance tour presentations on social media to be more engagi
Highly recommended by global Experts
Panoee is a leader in Virtual Tour on G2